Services of Golsan Shimi Pars Company
Azotech: Industrial Hoods Electrical Panels Elevator Cabinets Manufacture of Laboratory Cabinets

In advance, as a token of appreciation for your excellent choice, Azotech Industrial Group strives to make significant progress in advancing customer culture, value creation, and providing high-quality industrial services through the delivery of up-to-date and innovative industrial solutions. The Azotech Manufacturing Industries, utilizing the most advanced CNC PUNCH, CNC LASER, CNC PRESS BRAKE machines, specialized welding equipment, and skilled professionals, is proud to operate in various fields such as:

  • Lighting industries, ventilation, electrical panels, household appliances such as stoves and kitchen hoods.
  • Industrial hoods.
  • Cutting decorative building and elevator parts from stainless steel and steel sheets in various and diverse designs.
  • Manufacturing elevator industry components, including cabins and ceiling decorations.
  • Manufacturing all laboratory equipment cabinets and body parts.
  • Handling all sheet metal work (SHEET METAL) in cooperation with individuals and organizations.

In line with the provided explanation, it is necessary to review a general description of the materials used.

ورق فلزی یا شیت متال

Sheet metal is a metal that has been transformed into a thin piece with various thicknesses and a flat surface. Sheet metal, or “Sheet metal,” is made from different materials such as stainless steel, aluminum, copper, brass, titanium, and more, and can be used according to the client’s needs.

Industry is one of those fields that readily embraces new technologies. Design and modeling software have found their place in various industries and have almost completely replaced traditional methods.
SolidWorks is an engineering and design software used for modeling or 3D rendering of industrial components and solids, including metals. SolidWorks offers many specialized features and tools for sheet metal operations, welding, and more. Some key features of this software include:

  1. Ease of use compared to other CAD software
  2. Higher speed than other software
  3. The ability to use design tables for linking dimensions and equations in an Excel environment
  4. Easy application in complex designs and plans with thousands of elements, and more.

Sheet metal is a type of metal that has been transformed into a thin piece with varying thicknesses and a flat surface. Sheet metal, or “Sheet metal,” can be made from various materials such as stainless steel, aluminum, copper, brass, titanium, and more, depending on the client’s requirements.

The industrial sector is one of the areas that readily embraces new technologies. Design and modeling software have found their place in various industries, and it can be said that they have almost completely replaced traditional methods.
SolidWorks is an engineering and design software used for modeling or 3D rendering of industrial components, solids, and metals. SolidWorks offers specialized tools and features for sheet metal operations, welding, and more. Some features of this software include:

  1. Ease of use compared to other CAD software
  2. Higher speed than other software
  3. The ability to use design tables to link dimensions and equations in an Excel environment
  4. Easy application in complex drawings and designs with thousands of elements, and more.

Considering the advanced machinery available in Azotech’s manufacturing industries, including the latest CNC LASER equipment, the company announces its readiness for any activity in the following areas:

  • Manufacturing all laboratory equipment cabinets and bodies
  • Reverse engineering and production of medical, laboratory, and pharmaceutical devices and equipment
  • Manufacturing various metal boxes (outdoor & indoor)
  • Manufacturing various stands and shelves for stores, exhibitions, and product displays
  • Manufacturing decorative parts for buildings and elevators from stainless steel and steel sheets in various and diverse designs
  • All sheet metal work activities in lighting industries, electrical panels, household appliances such as stoves, kitchen hoods, industrial hoods, information kiosks, banking web kiosks, network racks, industries related to the automotive, oil and gas, and telecommunications sectors, manufacturing bodies for HVAC systems, chillers, fan coils, cooling and heating industries, communications and information technology industries, electrical and electronics industries, military industries, and audio and video equipment bodies.

We hope that our fresh perspective on providing innovative industrial services will serve as the beginning of mutual and constructive collaborations in the future.